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How to Seek Compensation in a Hit and Run Case in Los Angeles?

Are you a victim of a hit and run case in Los Angeles? Not sure whom to contact and seek compensation from in a hit-and-run case?

A hit and run car accident case is one in which the at-fault driver (i.e., the driver who caused the accident) flees the scene of the accident without taking responsibility for his actions. Hit and run cases in Los Angeles are very common. In the year 2016, LA was termed as a hit and case Epidemic state.

According to stats, there is seen a rising upward trend in the past decade when it comes to hit and run cases. A hit and run case is considered a felony in Los Angeles if the accident caused injuries to the victim. In case of a felony, the accused can be sentenced to a maximum of four years of imprisonment.

Amongst the 1,00,000 hit and run cases held between 2014 and 2018, less than 16000 drivers were arrested. In short, a lot of people are getting away with them. The reason could be weak law and the inability of the victim how to act.

Steps To Follow If You Are A Victim Of a Hit And Run Case

If you act rightly in the right circumstance, it can be easy to seek compensation in a hit-and-run case as well. As the at-fault driver runs away, it becomes difficult to establish fault in a hit and run case.

To seek compensation in a hit and run case car accident, you should know the driver’s identity. Here is what you can do instead:

Call The Police

The first thing to do when you fall prey to a victim of a hit and run case car accident is to call the police. Ask someone else to do it for you if you are not in the position to do so. The police will investigate the scene of the accident and also send teams to hunt the at-fault driver.

They may also ask to establish checkpoints in the nearby intersections. If the police can fetch the at-fault driver, you can then seek compensation, like in the case of any other personal injury lawsuit.

Contact At-Fault Driver’s Auto Insurance Company

In case the at-fault driver is identified and his vehicle is insured, it becomes easier to fight for the claim. The at-fault driver’s insurance company becomes liable to pay the compensation amount.

However, these auto insurance company has adjusters hired that are smart in their business. They are experienced in minimizing the compensation amount to the least. This is when hiring a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles can help recover the maximum compensation possible.

Contact Your Auto Insurance Company

If the police fail to find the at-fault driver, you will have to contact your auto insurance company to claim the damages.

If your vehicle is insured, you should contact your auto insurance company as soon as possible after the accident. Then, depending on the type of insurance you have, you can seek compensation for the same after speaking to your insurance company agent.

In Los Angeles, it is not compulsory to have full vehicle coverage insurance. A full vehicle coverage insurance also covers the uninsured motorist coverage. This type of insurance coverage allows for being compensated for all types of risks.

If you have uninsured motorist insurance, you can cover the vehicle damage expenses and medical bills from your insurance coverage. Under uninsured motorist coverage, there is an option of covering the collision and comprehensive insurance coverage. This sort of coverage covers the hit and run case car accidents as well.

You can always take the help of a car accident attorney in Los Angeles in seeking compensation from any party responsible.

Contact Driver’s Company

If a hit-and-run car accident is caused by a driver of a hired company, an expert car accident lawyer would suggest contacting such a party and holding them accountable for the compensation instead.

This applies when the hit and run case is caused by a cab driver, truck driver, or driver who works on someone else’s behalf.

Also, the vehicle manufacturer or the government for dangerous roadways can be held responsible for the accident and hence asked for compensation.

As you can see, dealing with a hit and run case in Los Angeles could be complicated, especially when you are not aware of the applicable laws and rules. Our expert attorneys can help you. Contact us to learn more and seek assistance.

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