Under California’s workers’ compensation law, your employer has certain legal obligations and duties. One of those duties is to assist you in seeking workers’ compensation benefits by completing the employer’s portion of the DWC-1 form, returning a copy of that form to you in a timely manner and forwarding the completed form on to your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer for processing. The employer must forward your DWC-1 form to its workers’ compensation insurer within five days after receiving the form from you.
But suppose that your employer does not want to forward the DWC-1 form and refuses to accept it from you. Or suppose that, after three weeks without hearing a response from the insurer you call only to be informed that it was never informed of your claim. If this occurs and you cannot resolve the issue with your employer, the State of California has several Information and Assistance Offices available to assist applicants for workers’ compensation benefits resolve situations like this. Contact an office nearby and explain your situation to the personnel at the office. They will be able to direct you in how to respond to your employer.