Injuries associated with motorcycle accidents can be quite catastrophic. Motorcycle accident victims may suffer from long term injuries requiring extensive rehabilitation and medical costs, not to mention possible lost wages and pain and suffering. Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneys can help people hurt by motorcycle crashes in Southern California get the compensation they need to be made whole again.
Motorcycle accidents can be a complex process if wrongdoers fail to take responsibility for causing a crash. Insurance companies representing at-fault drivers often attempt to blame victims for their own injuries or offer insufficient compensation to make up for all the damages incurred. If you or a family member was hurt in a motorcycle accident in the LA area, speak to a qualified Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer for assistance.
Motorcycle accident lawsuits
Following a motorcycle crash, insurance companies may attempt to make injury victims or their families think there are extraordinary limits on how much compensation the victims may be entitled to. The truth is, California law gives injury victims the right to compensation for economic damages like property damage, lost wages, and hospital bills.
Furthermore, motorcycle injury victims may be entitled to the physical and emotional pain and suffering of the injuries sustained. Insurance adjusters sometimes do not take accident victims’ claims seriously or give the consideration necessary to fully appreciate the extent of a traumatic event like a motorcycle crash.
Retaining an attorney after your motorcycle accident should be a serious consideration to try and maximize the compensation you may entitled to. Attorneys help ensure your claims are properly evaluated by both insurance adjusters and the courts, if necessary. Sometimes, you may need to file a lawsuit to get the justice you deserve.
Los Angeles motorcycle accident statistics
While motorcycle related fatalities are trending down across the country, California and especially Los Angeles have seen a recent and alarming spike in fatalities and accidents. From 2003 to 2012, motorcycle accidents and fatalities increased 23 percent.
In LA County, serious motorcycle crashes skyrocketed 49 percent. From 2010 to 2012, deadly motorcycle crashes in LA County went up an astonishing 59 percent. Experts fail to explain the jump in catastrophic motorcycle crashes throughout California and the greater Los Angeles area.
Common causes of motorcycle accidents
Statistically, the two most common causes of motorcycle crashes were motorcycles being hit by passengers making some form of left turn (lane change, turn) and motorcycles striking fixed objects. Statistically, only a small percentage of motorcycle accidents involved riders being hit from behind by other vehicles.
Careless drivers and improperly marked hazards are potentially dangerous to all vehicles on the road, but especially to motorcyclists. In these situations, injured riders may be able to hold parties responsible for negligence.
Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyers
If you or a loved one was hurt in a motorcycle accident, speak to a qualified Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney about your claim. Attorneys have the training and resources necessary to properly investigate motorcycle crashes and advocate for the legal rights of injured victims.